Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 05 Orange and Turquoise

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 05 Orange and Turquoise

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 07 French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 07 French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 16 Violet and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 16 Violet and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 24 Turquoise and Amber

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 24 Turquoise and Amber

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 25 Burnt Orange and Cobalt Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 25 Burnt Orange and Cobalt Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 27 Coral Sunset and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 27 Coral Sunset and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 29 Emerald and Garnet

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 29 Emerald and Garnet

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 30 Marigold and Violet

Art Glass Necklace: Proto - 30 Marigold and Violet

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 05 Orange and Turquoise

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 05 Orange and Turquoise

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 07 French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 07 French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 16 Violet and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 16 Violet and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 24 Turquoise and Amber

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 24 Turquoise and Amber

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 25 Burnt Orange and Cobalt Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 25 Burnt Orange and Cobalt Blue

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 27 Coral Sunset and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 27 Coral Sunset and French Vanilla

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 29 Emerald and Garnet

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 29 Emerald and Garnet

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 30 Marigold and Violet

Art Glass Necklace: Span - 30 Marigold and Violet

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Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 05/24 Orange and Turquoise/Turquoise and Amber

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Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 07/30 French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue/Marigold and Violet

Ingress-Necklace-Violet-with-Garnet-and-Emerald---Ingress.jpg Gather-Necklace-Violet-with-Garnet-and-Emerald-500x500.jpg

Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 16/29 Violet and French Vanilla/Emerald and Garnet

Gather-Ingress-Necklace-24-27-Ingress.jpg Gather-Ingress-Necklace-24-27-Gather.jpg

Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 24/27 Turquoise and Amber/Coral Sunset and French Vanilla

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Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 29/07 Emerald and Garnet/French Vanilla and Egyptian Blue

Gather-Ingress-Necklace-30-16-Ingress.jpg Gather-Ingress-Necklace-30-16-Gather.jpg

Art Glass Necklace: Gather/Ingress - 30/16 Marigold and Violet/Violet and French Vanilla
